Betta Fish Care
Before buying any animal including fish do your research! I am only giving a specific care guide to freshwater Betta fish. Bare minimum tank size for 1 Betta fish is a 2.5 gallon tank, but it is best to get a 3-10 gallon aquarium. You can only have tank mates in a 10 gallon plus. Tank mate options are small community fish such as corydora catfish, small snails, and livebearers. It is possible to do a sorority (mutable females housed together) in a 10-40 gallon plus. I have succesfully housed up to 10 female bettas in a 10 gallon as a breeding sorority but I only recommend if you have past experience with sororities. 3-5 is recommended. Male and Male bettas can never be housed together but a male betta can be in a sorority. Make sure you have separate back up tanks for each betta just in case there is a bully. The sorority tank must be heavily live planted with LOTS of hiding places. Feed your betta once a day fasting one day a week. Feed a variety of brands of tropical fish flakes and betta food, live bloodworms, baby mealworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larva, microworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and earthworms. A betta fish needs 12 hours of light a day and 12 hours or darkness. Preform a 25% water change once a week. Betta fish are tropical so they are going to need an aquarium heater. There water temp should be 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Test your Bettas aquarium water every 7-14 days for Ammonia, pH, Alkalinity, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, and an original test for water Hardness. Only buy your fish from a trusted breeder as pet shops have sick and inbred fish. For even more betta care information or if ou want to buy a betta or aquatic plants click here.