Nigerian Dwarf Goats
About Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Nigerian Dwarfs were originally from Africa. Some of these goats were more stocky (Pygmys) and some seemed to be smaller built with better milk supply (Nigerian Dwarfs). These smaller goats were selectively bred to give us the Nigerian Dwarfs we have today. They are approved for use in 4-H and FFA projects. They have a very high milk fat compared to other goat breeds giving a rich flavor to their milk and also used frequently for goat cheese. They are a fun breed that are very playful and loving.
We are a family of four that started our Nigerian Dwarf goat farming adventure in MN due to illness. We have a rare genetic immune disorder and have extreme sensitivities to many of the chemicals that are used in our foods and the processing of our foods today. Even organic foods go through processing that can leave residue from chemicals that we were really struggling with. What was the answer? Produce our own! We are not certified organic but we use Organic and nonGMO-feed and Alfalfa Pellets from Rhode's for our Nigerian Dwarf goats. We use only natural treatments whenever possible for our Nigerian Dwarf Goats. We decided to expand our farm so you too could have the benefits of non-GMO fed and naturally raised Nigerian Dwarf goats. We sell Nigerian Dwarf goat kids, bottle babies, and sometimes we will have Nigerian Dwarf bucks, does, and does in milk for sale.
We specialize in and sell Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
1. Healthy goats are our number one most important breeding goal on our Minnesota farm
a. All our goats are tested annually for CAE, CL, & Johnes. Our last test results can be found here. More information about each of those disease can be found here.
b. We do not allow guests, buyers, or visitors on our MN farm. We practice very strict bio-security and if you would like to ever see our set up or condition of our animals I will gladly make a video for you. We take the health of animals very seriously because without them we will not have milk. Some of the diseases are zoonotic and we do not want to risk the immune compromised individuals in our home.
c. We do not show our Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats because of possible disease exposure but we have purchased our goats from show lines and are trying to breed for show standards.
2. We breed for milk :) The purpose of our Nigerian Dwarf goats is for their amazing flavored milk! And of course all the options that come with that milk: cheese, yogurt, kiefer, pudding, and soap.
a. Our goal with breeding is quantity of milk with correct udder.
3. Even though we do not show Nigerian Dwarf's, we know many of our buyers do and we have purchased many of our animals from show quality stock.
Disease Testing
Others available upon request.
Jan' 24
Jan '25