Tested Clear CAE, CL, Johnes, Naturally Raised, Dual ADGA/AGS Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats for Sale in Minnesota MN
If you are interested in a PENDING goat then please email me here. I can put you on a waiting list if the sale falls through.
Polled Nigerian Dwarf Doeling Goat For Sale $350

Blue Eyed ADGA AGS Registered Nigerian Dwarf Buck $450

Webpage w/more info
Sale's Policy
Please read the entire sales policy before you contact me regarding purchasing a goat.
As the breeder, I reserve the right to retain any kid, regardless of any outside reservations. This is for the purpose of keeping and proving my own stock. However, I will do my best to meet the needs of outside reservations. If I know ahead of time that I plan to reserve a kid, you will see this noted on the kidding schedule.
I reserve the right to refuse to sell to any buyer for any reason. Please do not be offended if I ask a lot of questions or even require pictures of your goat shelter and fencing. I want to find the best possible homes for all of my goats. If you are new to goats, please do your research before purchasing a goat so you can provide appropriate feed, shelter, supplements, and care. I completely understand that we all must learn and I encourage new goat owners to contact me; I just ask that you have done some research before you inquire about a goat. Goats are very rewarding, but they are also a big commitment.
I will not sell a single goat to anybody that does not already have goats, no exceptions. Goats are herd animals and MUST have another goat companion. If you are unable to have at least two goats, please do not purchase a single goat. They can become very lonely and depressed; human companionship alone is not sufficient.
Reserving Kids
Please see our Kidding Schedule for the upcoming planned breedings. We do not require a deposit for reservation of a kid for a pairing of your choice. If you see a pairing that you might be interested in, please contact me here and let me know. After being notified of your available choice after kidding, the buyer has 7 days to send a 50% downpayment as a non-refundable deposit to hold the kid until weaning. If you later decide that you no longer want the goat, I will keep the deposit because I have lost other potential sales on this goat. The exception to this is if the goat dies or is injured prior to you picking them up, the full deposit will be refunded in that case. **Bottle babies MUST have a 100% non-refundable deposit within 48 hours of birth or I will not pull kids.
Cost's Of Kids
Registered Does: $300-1000 Depending on parentage
Registered Bucks: $300-1000 Depending on parentage
Wethers: $150
Picking Up Your Kid
The kid is expected to be picked up and the remaining balance paid in full within 10 days of weaning unless other arrangements are made ahead of time. If the kid is not picked up at the agreed upon time, other arrangements are not made, or I cannot reach you by phone and/or email, the goat may be re-listed for sale and your deposit will be forfeited. (This does not mean I will sell your goat out from under you if you have a emergency come up and have to make other arrangements for pick up. Just stay in touch with me so I know what the plan is and know that you are serious about completing the purchase of the goat. We have ran into situations where goats have been reserved and postponed pick up for weeks and then cancelled altogether which is a waist of our time, plus the extra costs involved in feeding and housing the extra animal, the loss of other buyers, and concerns about the welfare of the animal when a buyer repeatedly cancel's pick up.)
Sales of Adult Animals
Adult animals offered for sale will follow the same policy as kids. We require pick up within 7 days and cash only at pick-up or if paying by check then the full amount is due and check must clear before pick up of animal. If the goat cannot be picked up within 10 days of purchase we require a 50% deposit to hold and if then not picked up on the agreed upon date then we reserve the right to re-list the animal. (See picking up your kid for reason's why.)
Health Procedures and Disclosures
Kids are dam raised and most will be weaned at 8 weeks if a buckling or 8-12 weeks if a doeling. Before going to their new homes, kids will be tattooed and disbudded We do not immunize so they will not be given a CDT vaccination. If you want to know why we choose not to immunize you can find that information here. We will have trimmed hooves , herbal wormed, and checked over the animal for any issues before pick up. We do expect the buyer evaluates the condition of the animal at pick up and we do not allow returns on any animal that leaves our property due to bio-security reasons. Our herd is tested free for CAE, CL, & Johne's annually. Paperwork for registration with ADGA will be ready for the buyer. All animals are guaranteed to be healthy and disease free at the time of sale. Because we cannot control environmental influences and conditions once said animal leaves our property, we cannot offer any further guarantees. All kids will be disbudded, however, we can never guarantee that scurs will not grow, especially in buck kids. We do our best to watch for possible scurs and re-burn as necessary, but we cannot guarantee a scur won't develop. While we breed for milk production and conformation in accordance with the Nigerian Dwarf breed standard, we cannot guarantee the kid's future milk production, height, or breeding soundness. We cannot guarantee the genetics of any animal or any genetic defects they may have or may carry. If there is a goat you believe is sterile, then we need medical documentation to prove cause is genetic and we will replace or trade sterile animal and that must be sent within a year of purchase. None transferable to other buyers.. We will do out best to describe all kids and adult animals to give you the best information possible to make your purchase decisions. If you have specific concerns or traits you are looking for, please let us know so we can give you the most relevant information possible.
Included with your animal
With every animal we sell will come with a bag of transition feed (unless a young bottle baby), instructions for feeding if a bottle baby, receipt for purchase, registration papers, health information on the goat (what they are being fed, if wormed or bolused, etc).