New Product!
Very Excited to announce that we should be at the Bemidji Farmers Market and online (date to be determined) selling soap! We will have lots of options available from butter bars to goat milk soap to hand washing bars but all will be made with ORGANIC oils and butters, milk from nonGMO/Organic fed goats, NO synthetic dyes, and many will have no added scents (just the natural oils) for those looking for natural products to put on your skin. Your skin is a sponge so why put dangerous chemicals on your skin that you would not put in your mouth?!

Pregnancy Update
We had planned to do pregnancy blood and disease testing also this week but I accidently ordered the wrong red top tubes! So as we are waiting for the tubes to come we did request pregnancy tests on our does that are 30+ days out and still in milk when we completed our milk test - that was Aquamarine and Rose Quartz. Both are confirmed pregnant! The dates on the kidding schedule are their confirmed due dates! There is still open spots in the reservation list for spring, if interested then email me at to get added to the list.
Farm Update
Very excited to announce we have our new goats home! My friend drove all the way to the boarder of MT/OR to pick up our replacement goats. We then drove to Bismark to pick up. I would like to thank Kreb's farm for entrusting us with these beautiful animals. They are some of the most beautiful goats I have purchased (Fox Acres also being amazing) and I am so so excited to see how they will grow up. Our buck and two of the girls sire is a buck that have the famous Sugar Moon lines on both sides. We also have the first wattles on our farm. The opinion of those are split in our family - half think they are adorable and half think they are ugly LOL. Wooly Worm and Allie are complete sweethearts. honestly, I don't know if we have ever purchased such a sweetie as Wooliy before. Everyone that meets her falls in love. Ironically those are both our wattle goats - coincidence? Only time will tell LOL. Cocoa thinks she might like us most of the time. She is a blue eyed little fluff ball and even though she may not like me all the time, I sure do like her! Delta, the last doe, and Lee, the buck, are not too friendly. We have Lee in a pen in the barn with a buck apron hoping to socialize him more before he goes in with the boys. So far that has been a failure. He really doesn't like us! Very cute and very excited to use him but sure hope we can win over his trust!
In order from left to right are Krebs Lee, Allie, Cocoa, Delta & Woolly Worm
My friend Stacey said I could share pictures of her trip and the farm these beautiful goats came from!
One final note worth mentioning. During my rant post I mentioned that I purchased the over height buck from a farm in MT without mention of their farm name as I always hope it is an honest mistake and do not want to give the farm a bad reputation. I would like to mention it now. It is Bull Hill Breeders (Farm). Not only did they not even try to make the situation correct of selling an overheight buck and saying it is "no big deal", but when I went to transfer him through the AGS they did not fill out the papers correct to transfer and refused to fix. A stark warning not to purchase animals from that breeder. I was able to straighten it out with the AGS as I had copies of the ADGA transfer to send with his AGS certificate, but if I didn't, I would not have been able to transfer his AGS papers. Luckily his new owner didn't care either way, but it still is a warning of caution of this breeder. It appears that was not an honest mistake but a line of dishonesty in their dealings.